Unisa South Africa Application 2025-2026

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Unisa South Africa Application 2025-2026

Unisa South Africa Application 2025-2026: Unisa application 2025 opening date

University of South Africa (Unisa) online application for 2025-2026; apply and Register now. Unisa application for admission into the 2025 academic cycle is open and all students are advised to apply for admission to Undergraduate qualifications, postgraduate diplomas, honours degrees and Master’s & doctoral qualifications.

Complete the online application form with the required information, Upload supporting documents and submit before the closing date to secure your space at the university for the 2025-2026 academic year.

READ: Is Unisa Open For 2025 Undergraduate Applications?

Unisa 2025 2026 Application Dates/ Deadlines

The online application portal opens on the following dates;

Undergraduate Applications:

  • Applications for admission to undergraduate programs for the 2025 academic year will be open from August 21 to October 11, 2024.

Honours Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas:

  • Applications for admission to honours degrees and postgraduate diplomas for the 2025 academic year will be open from August 21 to October 11, 2024.

Master’s and Doctoral Degrees:

  • Applications for admission to master’s and doctoral degrees for the 2025 academic year will be open from September 2 to November 22, 2024 (with some exceptions).

Short Learning Programs:

  • Applications for Short Learning Programs for the 2025 academic year will be open from May to July 2024.

UNISA Application Fee 2025-2026

The online application fee of R140 is non-refundable even if you decide not to study through UNISA or do not qualify for admission to UNISA. Please note that UNISA does not accept cash at any of its offices.

Who Can Apply At Unisa 2025-2026?

All those who want to begin a new qualification should apply for admission to study at Unisa for the 2025 academic year. This application includes:

  • All first-time Unisa applicants
  • Unisa students who are changing to a new qualification and applicants who earlier on applied for admission but were not able to offer a space.
  • All those completing a Higher certificate or alternate pathway/extended programmes should also apply for admission to a follow-on qualification
  • You have to also re-apply for admission if you earlier on applied and received feedback earlier but you did not register for any reason.
  • All who are planning to enrol at any of the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges under the Unisa  TVET agreement should apply for admission into the 2025-2026 academic year.

READ: UNISA Application Online 2025 Fees

UNISA Application Procedure 2025-2026

To apply to UNISA for 2025 entry, you must submit a UNISA application before the closing date;

There are earlier application deadlines for applicants who want to be considered, and some mature students applying to one of the mature Colleges may be able to apply after this date.

Applications to UNISA are made online using the UNISA Apply web-based application system (UNISA Application Tool). You can Click ‘Apply 2025’ for application for 2025 entry or 2025 entry to the University of South Africa.

As soon as your UNISA application 2025 has been received here at the University:

  • it will be admitted by the College to which you applied (open applications are allocated to Colleges shortly after October UNISA deadline).
  • you might be emailed a link and asked to complete additional questionnaires. You must check both the inbox and ‘spam’/’junk’ folder of the email account you give in during your UNISA application regularly, for you will be contacted by the University at various stages of your application.

Required Documents To Apply At UNISA 2025-2026

To apply online at Unisa, the following documents are required;

  • Copy of your school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate, National Senior Certificate)
  • Copy of your official tertiary academic record(s) (if applicable) (internet copies will not be accepted)
  • Copy of your ID document (RSA students) or ID/passport (international students)
  • Copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable) or divorce decree (if applicable)
  • Sworn translations of documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans

After Application for Admission to Unisa 2025

After you have successfully applied for admission to study at Unisa, Unisa will thereby assess your application, i.e., the points score system. You can be offered a space based on the following requirements:

  • whether you meet the Unisa admission requirements for the 2025 academic cycle of your chosen qualification.
  • your minimum points score and the number of spaces available for your qualification of study.

Please Take Note: You are not going to be accepted automatically to study at Unisa even though you meet the requirements mentioned above for your chosen qualification. Applicants will be accommodated based on the number of spaces available for each qualification. Also, be reminded that the principle of “First come, First served” does not apply here! Unisa South Africa Application 2025-2026.

Click HERE to apply

READ: Unisa Application Online 2025-2026

Contact UNISA

University of South Africa
P O Box 392


Ethics Hotline: 0800 075 278

Hope the provided information is helpful, share your thoughts below in the comment section. Visit the official website of the University of South Africa for more information. For more details click here


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