UNISA LLB Modules 2025

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UNISA LLB Modules 2025

UNISA LLB Modules 2025: Unisa llb modules 2025 pdf

University of South Africa, UNISA LLB degree consists of 40 modules, 37 of which are mandatory and three of which are optional. In their first year of admission, students must take Introduction to Law (ILW1501) and Skills Course for Law Students (SCL1501). 8. The rules from 2018 onwards are listed below, organized by NQF rank. 9. The minimum term is four years. UNISA LLB Modules 2025

The aim of this generic LLB certification is to help employers, professional associations, curriculum creators, and learning-program suppliers, education and training bodies, accrediting bodies, and moderators, as well as students and their families, understand the factors that affect the degree and nature of the LLB qualification. The words ‘generic’ and ‘common’ are not equivalent. The word “generic” applies to the fact that the basic minimum-required results and their evaluation requirements have been defined in an abstract fashion and are not related to a fixed program (content).

This certification is not intended to make all LLB degrees the same; rather, it is intended to provide a context through which providers can be imaginative and stakeholder-driven. The qualification’s other aims are to develop law graduates with a systematic and consistent body of information, as well as an understanding of applicable concepts and principles; a high degree of cognitive and other generic abilities, such as problem-solving and the practical implementation of principles; written and spoken writing, numeracy, and computer literacy; and expertise in applying knowledge. UNISA LLB Modules 2025

To provide law graduates with a breadth of knowledge and skills that will enable them to continue their academic development throughout their lives, including postgraduate research. To provide suitably trained law graduates with initiative, accountability, and the required ethical principles to aid in the administration of justice and the establishment of legal institutions in South Africa. To include lawyers to the South African population who are worthy of taking responsibility for the realization of a just society founded on representative government and the rule of law under an international legal order.

Who is eligible to register for 2025?

  1. Applicants can register only after obtaining confirmation from UNISA that their admission application has been approved. If it is revealed that you were wrongly admitted to a qualification, Unisa retains the right to fail to process and/or revoke your registration. It is not a given that you will be admitted to the alternate qualification. It depends on whether you meet the admissions criteria and whether there is enough accommodation.
  2. Students who are re-registering for the 2025 academic year will do so until the enrollment period begins.

Click on the link for full details: https://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Register-to-study-through-Unisa/Undergraduate-&-honours-qualifications/Find-your-qualification-&-choose-your-modules/All-qualifications/Bachelor-of-Laws-New-2018-(98680-%E2%80%93-NEW).…UNISA LLB Modules 2025


One thought on “UNISA LLB Modules 2025

  1. Nomsa Mercy Silenge

    I wish to study for a degree programme that will link with my diploma in law that I acquired from the University of Eswatini in 2005.

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