How To Change Qualification At Unisa For 2023-2024

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How To Change Qualification At Unisa For 2023-2024

How To Change Qualification At Unisa For 2023-2024

Are you experiencing challenges related to your studies, are you not progressing with your studies, or you are failing repeatedly in the same module(s), then you may think of changing your qualification. Choosing a qualification for a career remains the right of the student at Unisa but in case a student gets stuck and confused about which career to choose for him/herself Unisa provides career guidance.

To this wise, a student who is studying at Unisa has the right to change the qualification in which he/she is currently studying.

Importantly, students must reflect on why they want to change their qualifications and explore the different options available to them. Are you thinking of changing your qualification because your career ideas have changed, or do you want to change due to not progressing with your qualification as quickly as you thought?


Why Students Change Their Qualifications At Unisa

There could be several reasons you would want to change your qualification:

  • You are experiencing challenges related to your studies, for example, you are not progressing with your studies, or you are failing (or repeatedly failing) the same module(s).
  • Your thinking about your career and/or your circumstances has changed. For example, you might originally have thought about preparing for opportunities in accounting, but your employer needs more human resource professionals.
  • You no longer feel connected with your planned career path. For example, how you perceive your career has changed, or your circumstances have changed and you now need to adjust your career- and study planning accordingly.


How To Change Qualification At Unisa For 2023-2024


Ask Yourself Questions Before You Change A Qualification At Unisa

Before you think of changing a qualification at Unisa, students need to ask themselves the following questions:

  • Why do you want to change?
  • What do you want to change?
  • What are your next steps?


Why Change?

Before you change, it is important to reflect on why you want to change your qualifications. For example, are you thinking of changing your qualification because your career ideas have changed, or do you want to change due to not progressing with your qualification as quickly as you thought? To carefully consider your next options, you need to make time to reflect on your current circumstances. For now, you may think that you want to change your qualification, but you may find that it may only be a matter of negotiating additional support for your studies.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are you hoping for (how do you see things changing)?
  • What is it about your current qualification or Unisa study experience that is challenging for you? Have you thought about how you could manage these challenges? What support do you need?
  • If you have already thought about a new qualification, how do you see this new qualification helping you prepare for the career opportunities you are hoping for?


What To Change To?

Your first step would be to explore the different options available to you. Think about if there is a way for you to continue with what you have been doing, and then add another qualification, to shift focus.

Secondly, you need to identify whose support you need. Think about how you can utilise your existing professional network in order to identify other opportunities.

Visit the Explore careers section of our website to help you do more research about different career options and related qualifications.


What Next?

Based on your research and decision, you can either decide to complete your current qualification or to change now. If you would want to change your application, you will need to apply for admission to the new qualification during the next application period.

Visit The Official Website Of Unisa For More Details

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  • University of South Africa
  • P O Box 392
  • Unisa
  • 0003
  • Ethics Hotline: 0800 005 311

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