How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?

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How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?

How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa? can i register 15 modules at unisa

Unisa is currently open for registration into the 2025 academic year for undergraduate, postgraduate and honours, doctorate and Masters’s qualifications from the 4th to the 24th of January 2025. Unisa will only offer you a space in the University to study if you meet the admission requirements for the chosen qualification or module and your minimum points score and the number of spaces available for the qualification for which you have applied.

You may register for a maximum of two qualifications during the application process. You may want to consider applying for a lower-level qualification as your second choice. Per the rules of Unisa, A student may be allowed to register for a maximum of two modules for non-degree purposes while registered for a formal undergraduate diploma or degree qualification that has a minimum duration of one or two years. 

Applicants (new applicants & Unisa students who applied for admission to a new qualification) may only register if they have received an offer of placement from Unisa and have accepted the offer online. Once you’ve received confirmation of your registration, you need to register on myUnisa, the university’s online student portal where you can download your study material, including your tutorial letters.


Modules Offered At Unisa In 2025: can i register 15 modules at unisa

Unisa qualifications are structured in such a way that you need to pass a certain number of NQF-level credits within a certain amount of time in order to graduate. It is also very important that you manage your studies and are able to pass the number of NQF-level credits for which you register each semester or year. Below are the Various qualifications and modules offered at Unisa:

Higher Certificates

  • Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences (98201)
  • Higher Certificate in Adult Basic Education and Training (98615)
  • Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (90098)
  • Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577)
  • Higher Certificate in Banking (98225)
  • Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (90006)
  • Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences (98237)
  • Higher Certificate in Education Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase (90093 – FIP)
  • Higher Certificate in Education Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching (90093 – SPF)
  • Higher Certificate in Insurance (90013)
  • Higher Certificate in Law (98751)
  • Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences (98366)
  • Higher Certificate in Marketing (98229)
  • Higher Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics (90129)
  • Higher Certificate in Physical Sciences (90101)
  • Higher Certificate in Retailing (90014)
  • Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work (90011)
  • Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management (90015)
  • Higher Certificate in Tourism Management (98226)


Advanced Certificates

  • Advanced Certificate in Accounting Sciences (90017)
  • Advanced Certificate in Intermediate Phase Mathematics and English First Additional Language Teaching (90177)


Postgraduate Certificates

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Agriculture (90148 – AGR)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Art (90148 – ART)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Business Studies (90148 – BUS)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Consumer Studies (90148 – CON)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Economics (90148 – ECO)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Engineering Technology (90148 – ETC)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching English (90148 – ENG)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Financial Accounting (90148 – FAC)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Geography (90148 – GEO)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching History (90148 – HIS)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Hospitality Studies (90148 – HOS)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Information Computer Studies (90148 – ICA)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Languages (90148 – LAN)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Orientation (90148 – LOR)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Life Sciences (90148 – BIO)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematical Literacy (90148 – MTL)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Mathematics (90148 – MAT)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Physical Sciences (90148 – PHS)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Religious Studies (90148 – REL)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching Tourism (90148 – TRM)



  • Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98200)
  • Diploma in Administrative Management (98216)
  • Diploma in Agricultural Management (90097)
  • Diploma in Animal Health (98026 – AHE)
  • Diploma in Chemical Engineering (90130)
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering (90137)
  • Diploma in Corrections Management (98218)
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering (90138)
  • Diploma in Explosives Management (98222)
  • Diploma in Grade R Teaching (90173)
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211)
  • Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90136)
  • Diploma in Information Technology (98806 – ITE)
  • Diploma in Law (98750).   How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Diploma in Local Government Finance (90083)
  • Diploma in Marketing Management (98202)
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90132)
  • Diploma in Mining Engineering (90140)
  • Diploma in Nature Conservation (98024 – NCO)
  • Diploma in Office Management and Technology (98217)
  • Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture (98025 – HOR)
  • Diploma in Policing (98220)
  • Diploma in Public Administration and Management (98203)
  • Diploma in Public Relations (90077)
  • Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology (90141)
  • Diploma in Safety Management (90107)
  • Diploma in Security Management (98221)
  • Diploma in Small Business Management (90073)
  • Diploma in Tourism Management (98223)
  • National Diploma: Agricultural Management (NDAGR)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Chemical (NDENG)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Civil (NDECI)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Clinical Engineering (NDEEN – CEN)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Computer Systems (NDEEN – COS)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Electronics and Electronic Communication (NDEEN – EEC)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Mechatronics (NDEEN – MEC)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Power Engineering (NDEEN – PEN)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Process Instrumentation (NDEEN – PIN)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Industrial (NDEID)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Mechanical (NDEMC)
  • National Diploma: Mine Surveying (NDMSR)
  • National Diploma: Mining Engineering (NDMIN)
  • National Diploma: Public Relations Management (DPUBR)
  • National Diploma: Pulp and Paper Technology (NDPPT)
  • National Diploma: Safety Management (NDSMN)


Advanced Diploma

  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (Old Curriculum from 2019) (98230 – CTA)
  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – CT1)
  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (98230 – FAC)
  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Internal Auditing (98230 – AUI)
  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (Old Curriculum 2019) (98230 – MAC)
  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98230 – MA1)
  • Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Taxation (98230 – TAX)
  • Advanced Diploma in Agricultural Management (98027)
  • Advanced Diploma in Animal Health (90112)
  • Advanced Diploma in Chemical Engineering (90128)
  • Advanced Diploma in Computer Integrated Education (90165)
  • Advanced Diploma in Education in Intermediate Phase Mathematics Teaching (90113)
  • Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Power Engineering (90126)
  • Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications (90127)
  • Advanced Diploma in Engineering Technology in Civil Engineering (90142)
  • Advanced Diploma in Explosives Management (90124)
  • Advanced Diploma in Industrial Engineering (90134)
  • Advanced Diploma in Information Resource Management (90007)
  • Advanced Diploma in Intermediate Phase Natural Science and Technology Education (90162)
  • Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (90133)
  • Advanced Diploma in Mining Engineering (90131)
  • Advanced Diploma in Nature Conservation (98028)
  • Advanced Diploma in Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture (90094)
  • Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)
  • Advanced Diploma in Senior Phase Natural Science Education (90166)
  • Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management (90118)


Baccalaureus Technologiae Degrees

  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Agricultural Management (BTAGM)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Animal Health (BTANM)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Correctional Services Management (BTCOR)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Chemical (BTENC)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Chemical (Environmental) (BTECE)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Civil Environmental Engineering (BTECV – ENV)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Civil Structural (BTECV – STR)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Civil Urban Engineering (BTECV – URB)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Civil Water (BTECV – WAT)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Electrical Clinical Engineering (BTELN – CEN)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Electrical Computer Systems (BTELN – COS)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Electrical Power Engineering (BTELN – PEN)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Electrical Process Instrumentation (BTELN – PIN)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Electrical Telecommunication (BTELN – TEL)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: Mechanical (BTMEE)
  • Baccalaureus Technologiae: Forensic Investigation (BTFIN)
  • Baccalaureus Technologaie: Horticulture (BTHOR).   How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Baccalaureus Technologaie: Policing (BTPLC)
  • Baccalaureus Technologaie: Safety Management (BTSMN)
  • Bachelor of Technologaie: Engineering: Industrial (BTENI)


Bachelor Degrees

  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (Old Curriculum 2019) (98302 – FAC)
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98302 – FA1)
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Internal Auditing (98303 – AUI)
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting (Old Curriculum 2019) (98304 – MAC)
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting (Revised Curriculum 2020) (98304 – MA1)
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Taxation (98318 – TAX)
  • Bachelor of Administration (98315 – BAD)
  • Bachelor of Administration in Human Settlements Management (90016 – HSM)
  • Bachelor of Arts (99311)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Audiovisual Multimedia (02305 – MA1)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Computer-Generated Multimedia (02305 – MC1)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Multimedia in Digital Visual Arts (02305 – MMD)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Visual Multimedia (02305 – MV1)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services) Applied Psychology for Professional Contexts (02313 – APP)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services) Community and Health Psychology (02313 – CHP)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services) Psychological Counselling (02313 – COU)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social Studies) Public Administration and Communication Facilitation (02291 – PAF)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science (98051)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (98618)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (99313)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (98681).    How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (99312)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management (98055)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Science and Technology (90002)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Government, Administration and Development (99301)
  • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (99302)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science Health Services Management and Education (0216X – HHS)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science Health Services Management, Education and Community Health (0216X – HSM)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Police Science (98683)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Policy Studies (99303)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Leadership and Citizenship (99304)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (90079)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Visual Multimedia Arts (90091)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (98316 – BBA)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (98314 – GEN)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Banking Banking (98317 – BAN)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Business Informatics (98300 – BIS)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management (98310 – BSM)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Economics (98305 – ECS)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship (90106 – ENT)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management (98306 – FMN)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management (98307 – HRM)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology (98308 – IOP)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Law (90123 – LAW)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Law (98309 – LAW)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management (98301 – MKT)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Public Procurement Management (98767 – PPM)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Quantitative Management Old Curriculum 2018 (98311 – QM1)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Quantitative Management Revised Curriculum 2019 (98311 – QMA)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Operations Management (98766 – SCM)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Management (98312 – TRT)
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Transport and Logistics (98313 – TRL)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science (Consumer Science Journalism Stream) (98005 – CSJ)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Fashion Retail Management (98005 – FAR)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Fashion Small-Business Management (98005 – FSB)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Food Retail Management (98005 – FOR)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Food Service Management (98005 – FSM)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Food and Clothing (98005 – FCL)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Food and Nutrition (98005 – FNU)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Hospitality Management (98005 – HOM)
  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development: Foundation Phase) (02593)
  • Bachelor of Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase) (02607)
  • Bachelor of Education (Senior and Further Education and Training Phases) (02615)
  • Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (90102)
  • Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching (90103).  How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Agriculture Management and Life Sciences (90104 – AML)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Art and Life Orientation (90104 – ARP).    How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Agriculture and Management (90104 – AGM)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Art and Languages (90104 – ARL)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Computer Application Technology (90104 – CAT)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Consumer Studies (90104 – CON)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Economics and Management Science (90104 – EMS)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Financial Accounting (90104 – FAC)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Geography and Languages (90104 – GEL)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: History and Geography (90104 – HIG)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Hospitality Studies and Business Studies (90104 – HSB)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Hospitality Studies and Tourism (90104 – HST)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Information Technology (90104 – IFT)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Language (90104 – LAN)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Orientation and Language (90104 – LOL)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Science and Mathematics (90104 – LSM)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Life Sciences (90104 – BIO)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Mathematical Literacy and Economics (90104 – MLE)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Mathematics Literacy and Financial Accounting (90104 – MFA)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Mathematics and English (90104 – MTE).  How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Physical Science and Mathematics (90104 – PSM)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Religious Studies (90104 – RES)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Technology (90104 – TEC)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Tourism and Geography (90104 – TRG)
  • Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching School subject combination: Tourism and Management (90104 – TRM)
  • Bachelor of Information Science (99310)
  • Bachelor of Laws (98680 – NEW)
  • Bachelor of Music (90089)
  • Bachelor of Music in Musicology (99308)
  • Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (98801 – AMC)
  • Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Physics (98801 – AMP)
  • Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Statistics (98801 – AMS)
  • Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Applied Mathematics (98801 – CAM)
  • Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Computer Science (98801 – CCS)
  • Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Information Systems (98801 – CIS)
  • Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Physics (98801 – CAP)
  • Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Statistics (98801 – CAS)
  • Bachelor of Science General (98801 – GEN)
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (98801 – MAM)
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Chemistry (98801 – MAC)
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Computer Science (98801 – MCS)
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Information Systems (98801 – MIS)
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Physics (98801 – MAP)
  • Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Statistics (98801 – MAS)
  • Bachelor of Science Statistics and Physics (98801 – STP)
  • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science Agricultural Business and Management (90082 – ABM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science Animal Science (90082 – ANS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science Plant Science (90082 – PLS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computing (98906 – COM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management Botany (98052 – EBO)
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management Chemistry (98052 – ECH)
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management Zoology (98052 – EZO)
  • Bachelor of Science in Informatics (98907 – INF)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biochemistry (or Physiology or Microbiology) with Business Management (98053 – BBM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biochemistry and Botany (98053 – BAB)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biochemistry and Microbiology (98053 – BAM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biochemistry and Physiology (98053 – BAP)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biochemistry and Zoology (98053 – BAZ)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biomedical Sciences (98053 – BMI)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biotechnology (98053 – BIT)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Botany and Microbiology (98053 – BNM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Botany and Zoology (with Geography) (98053 – BZG)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Genetics and Zoology (or Botany, Microbiology, Physiology or Biochemistry) (98053 – GZB)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Microbiology and Physiology (98053 – MAP)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Microbiology and Zoology (98053 – MAZ)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Physiology and Zoology (98053 – PAZ)
  • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Psychology and Physiology (with Genetics) (98053 – PPG)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (90088)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (99309)
  • Bachelor of Theology (90160)
  • Bachelor of Theology General (1 Major) (99305 – GEN)
  • Bachelor of Theology General (2 Majors) (99305 – GE2)
  • Bachelor of Theology General (4 Half Majors) (99305 – GE4)
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts (02224)


Read: What Is The Best Course To Study At Unisa In 2025


Honours Degrees

  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences Honours in Management Accounting (98354)
  • Bachelor of Administration Honours in Public Administration (98449)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in African Languages (99306)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in African Politics (99307)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Afrikaans Language Stream (99435 – LAN)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Afrikaans Literature Stream (99435 – LIT)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (99402)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Anthropology (99403)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Applied Linguistics (99405)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Arabic (99404)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Archaeology (99406)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Archives and Records Management (90168)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Art History (99407)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Biblical Archaeology New Testament Period (99408 – NTP)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Biblical Archaeology Old Testament Period (99408 – OTP)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Biblical Studies New Testament Period (99409 – NTP)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Biblical Studies Old Testament Period (99409 – OTP)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Classical Studies (99410)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Corrections Management (98655)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Criminology (98682)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Development Studies (99438)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in English Studies (99411)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Environmental Management (90108)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Forensic Science and Technology (90109)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Gender Studies (99439)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in History (99412)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Integrated Organizational Communication (98619)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in International Politics (99414)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Islamic Studies (99415)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Linguistics (99417)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Media Studies (99418)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Modern European Languages and Literature (99419)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Philosophy (99420)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Police Science (90074)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Politics (99421)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology Applied Psychology for Professional Contexts (99422 – APP)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology Community and Health Psychology (99422 – CHP)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology Psychological Counselling (99422 – COU)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Religious Studies (99423).  How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Social Behavioural Studies (HIV-AIDS) (99425 – HIV)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Sociology (99426)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Theory of Literature (99427)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Translation Studies (99428)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Multimedia Arts (90090)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Business Informatics (98450)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Business Management (98452)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Business Management Revised Curriculum (N2022) (98452 – N22)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Economics (98353).   How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Financial Management (90095)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Financial Modelling (98350)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (98351)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Logistics (98453)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Marketing Management (90114)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Tourism Management (98355)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Transport Economics (98464)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science Honours (98104)
  • Bachelor of Education Honours (90125)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Chemical Engineering (90155)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Electronic Engineering (90156)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Industrial Engineering (90154)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Mechanical Engineering (90151)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Power Engineering (90153)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Structural Engineering (90152)
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours in Water Engineering (90150)
  • Bachelor of Information Science Honours (90072)
  • Bachelor of Musicology Honours (98578)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Applied Mathematics (98921)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Astronomy (98920)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemistry (98919)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemistry Education (98910)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Computing (98908)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Computing Education (98911)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Environmental Management (98102)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Environmental Monitoring and Modelling (98103)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Geography (98105)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Science Education (98912)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Sciences Biochemistry (90084 – BIO)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Sciences Botany (90084 – BOT)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Sciences Genetics (90084 – GNE)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Sciences Microbiology (90084 – MIB)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Sciences Physiology (90084 – PHY)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Life Sciences Zoology (90084 – EZO)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics (98923)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics Education (98913)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Operations Research (90078)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Physics (98918).  How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Physics Education (98914)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Statistics Education (98916)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Statistics New Curriculum (98922 – NEW)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Statistics Old Curriculum (98922 – OLD)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Christian Leadership (98627)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Christian Spirituality (98626)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Church History (98620)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Missiology (98579)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in New Testament (99429)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Old Testament (99430)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Practical Theology (99431)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Systematic Theology (99433)
  • Bachelor of Theology Honours in Theological Ethics (99434)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education with specialization in Early Childhood Development New Curriculum (05347 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education (specialization in Psycho-Educational Support) New Curriculum (05363 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education – with specialization in Adult Basic Education and Training New Curriculum (05371 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education – with specialization in Educational Management New Curriculum (05320 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education – with specialization in Environmental Education New Curriculum (9501X – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education – with specialization in Inclusive Education New Curriculum (05355 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education – with specialization in Mathematics Education New Curriculum (95001 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education – with specialization in Natural Science Education New Curriculum (95028 – NEW)
  • Honours Bachelor of Education New Curriculum (05312 – NEW)


Postgraduate Diplomas

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Foundation Phase and Early Childhood Development) Foundation Phase (02631 – FDP)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Intermediate and Senior Phase) New Curriculum (02623 – NEW)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training) New Curriculum (03980 – NEW)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98231)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Agriculture Agri-Business (90159 – ABM)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Agriculture Animal Health (90159 – AHE)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Agriculture Animal Science (90159 – ANS)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Agriculture Plant Science (90159 – PLS)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences (98255)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (98215)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Disability Studies (90167)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Accounting (98233)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Auditing (98234)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Development (98227)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (98228)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Inclusive Education (90100).   How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Information Resource Management (90069)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Management (90172)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Auditing (98207)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Relations Management (98209)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Language Education (90164)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Science (90003)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Life Orientation (90174)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management Accounting (98205)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics Education (90175)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Nature Conservation (98106)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Organizational Development (98212)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture (90096)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management (90146)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology of Education (90163)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration (98208)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (90161)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (98574)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Risk Management (98210)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Security Management (90080)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Social and Behavioural Studies (HIV-AIDS) (90008)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation (98256)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning Care and Support (90110)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education New Curriculum (03115 – NEW)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism Management (98257)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Transport and Logistics (98213)


How Many Modules Can You Register For At Unisa?

 What Are Unisa Modules Credits 2025

The number of notional study hours necessary to achieve the learning outcomes is expressed in credits. Study time, assignments, and exams are all included in the fictitious hours. One credit is equal to ten notional hours in the credit rating system.


Higher Certificate:  has 120 credits consisting of a 10 x 12 credit module. A module consisting of 12 credits equates to 120 notional hours.
It, therefore, requires at least 8 hours of study per week in a 15-week semester.

At Unisa, undergraduate modules are usually 12 credits. Each module is pegged according to a specific NQF level.

A bachelor’s degree: of 360 credits, for example, consists of 30 modules of 12 credits each.

A bachelor’s degree may consist of

  • between 8 and 10 modules of 12 credits each at NQF level 5
  • between 10 and 12 modules of 12 credits each at NQF level 6
  • 10 modules of 12 credits each at NQF level 7

These levels follow one another. When choosing a module, you must first have passed the module at the lower level. Before you can be awarded a qualification, you must have completed the required number of credits. The modules must be completed at the required NQF level. How much do I need to pass a module?


Contact Unisa   Undergraduate applications

  • All application, registration and study-related information are available on the Unisa corporate website in both web and Mobi formats.
  • The myUnisa website.
  •  Fax enquiries to 012 429 4150

Before submitting an application, please check whether you meet the statutory and college-specific admission requirements, and the required academics points score (APS) for your chosen qualification(s). The minimum APS score differs from college to college, and from qualification to qualification. Hope this post has been of help To You, Visit The Official Website Of Unisa For More Details.  Unisa semester

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