University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty
University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty: Unisa courses
The University of South Africa (UNISA) offers a diverse and dynamic range of academic programs through their various faculties. As a leading institution in distance education, UNISA is committed to providing accessible, high-quality education to learners across South Africa and around the world.
The University of South Africa (UNISA) comprises eight main faculties—Faculty of Accounting Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology, and Faculty of Law—each with a diverse array of departments.
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Faculties at UNISA
Provided below ate the faculties of Unisa and the various courses offered at the college;
UNISA Faculty of Accounting Sciences
The College strives for excellence in accounting education. The College is well positioned in the higher education sector and offers high-quality qualifications, accredited by the Council of Higher Education, including several qualifications endorsed by professional bodies, both nationally and internationally. University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty
UNISA Faculty of Education
The College of Education strives to be the first choice provider of high-quality Open and Distance Learning (ODL) education programmes in Africa and a recognized centre of excellence internationally for teaching, research and community engagement that focuses on the initial preparation of teachers and the continuous professional teacher development in:
School of Educational Studies
School of Teacher Education
UNISA Faculty of Human Sciences
The College of Human Sciences offers high-quality general academic and career-focused distance education tuition in the arts, humanities, social sciences, religion and theology. Offerings in the School of Arts, School of Humanities and School of Social Sciences include internationally recognized undergraduate degrees and diplomas, honours, and master’s degrees through coursework and research, and doctoral programmes. University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty
Social Sciences
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UNISA Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences
Unisa’s College of Economic and Management Sciences makes a considerable contribution to the provision of high-level staff to the private and public sectors. The objective of the College of Economic and Management Sciences is to provide relevant and functional qualifications of a high standard, quality tuition and professional caring and valued customer service to all its stakeholders. Teaching and research are offered through nine departments in three schools. University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty…UNISA Faculty of Education
Economic and Financial Sciences
Management Sciences
Public and Operations Management
UNISA Faculty of Graduate Studies
The College of Graduate Studies (CGS) forms part of Unisa’s Research, Postgraduate Studies, Innovation and Commercialization Portfolio and comprises the School of Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies, the Ethiopian Regional Learning Centre and the Postgraduate Administration Department.
The CGS Postgraduate Administrative Department deals with the applications, admissions and registrations of about 45 000 students registered for postgraduate qualifications, namely Postgraduate Diplomas, Honours, Master’s and Doctoral degrees, as well as with the assessment coordination for Master’s and Doctoral dissertations and theses.
In CGS, we aim to
Postgraduate studies
UNISA Faculty of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
The College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences consists of two schools (with two departments each) a centre and a unit. University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty.
School Of Agriculture and Life Sciences
School of Ecological and Human Sustainability
UNISA Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology
The College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) “develop world-class, futuristic, African science, engineering and technology leaders, who aspire to extend the frontiers of innovation”.
The College of Science Engineering and Technology believes in providing affordable, accessible, high-quality, relevant Science Engineering and Technology programmes. Therefore, we offer innovative delivery approaches and mechanisms that support our extensive student base through excellent research, community engagement projects, academic and administrative staff and systems. University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty
School of Science
School of Engineering
About the School of Engineering
School of Computing
UNISA Faculty of Law
The College of Law provides comprehensive open distance learning in a socially responsible and distinctive manner that produces excellent scholarship and research, provides quality tuition and fosters active community engagement.
We are guided by the principles of lifelong learning, student-centredness, innovation and stakeholder engagement within the African and global arena. University of South Africa (UNISA) Faculty
School of Law
School of Criminal Justice
READ: Unisa Online Courses 2025-2026
Contact UNISA
University of South Africa
P O Box 392
Ethics Hotline: 0800 075 278
For more details visit the official website of the University of South Africa. Hope the provided information is helpful, share your thoughts below in the comment section.
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I am trying to locate a former student Sean Paul Fredsti (around 2019???)
maybe via his advisor mokhele johannes singleton madise
Do you have Sean's contact information?
You may contact Dr. Fredsti at